Osmotic pressure of Solution
Osmosis--> The solvent molecules will flow through the semi permeable membrane from pure solvent to the solution. This process of flow of the solvent is called osmosis.

Osmotic pressure(Ï€) -->
Q1) Osmotic  pressure method is used to find out molar mass of protein, polymers and other macromolecules. why?
Ans- Two reasons:-
(I) Osmotic method can be measured at room temperature
(ii) Molarity of the Solution is used
(iii) The technique of Osmotic pressure for determination of molar mass of solute is useful for biomolecules as they are not stable at high temperature and polymers have poor solubility.

Isotonic Solution--> Two solutions having same Osmotic pressure at a given temperature are called isotonic solution.
Example- OSM glucose 
Osmotic pressure of Sucrose
Hypotonic Solution--> if salt concentration is less than 0.9 % then the solution is said to be hypotonic solution. In this case water will flow into the cell and if cell placed in the solution and they would swell.
Hypertonic Solution--> If  salt concentration is more than 0.9 % then the solution is said to be hypertonic solution. If we place the cell in the solution, then water will flow out of the cell and they would shrink.